Cantonese opera is a valuable cultural asset of Hong Kong but the development of this performing art means more than stage performance and training of artists. Audience needs to be cultivated, too. The appreciation ability of the audience is measured by the quality and quantity of critiques. I sincerely hope that individuals and organizations in the Cantonese opera field would encourage more Cantonese opera critique. Hopefully from now on more and more quality critique will come up for a better future of Cantonese opera.

主題 Topic List名字 Name回應 Reply發表日期 Post Time
傳奇「生」「輝」許漢榮02013.11.07      04:39
Very Good !Tony Lam02013.11.07      04:38
功成不必我在黎宇文02013.11.07      04:38
Success does not depend on meMaurice Lai02013.11.07      04:36
新光與西九子路02013.11.07      04:35